Tuesday, January 31, 2012

David Beckham Bodywear for H&M: Video Preview + Official Pictures

Il video Ufficiale che lancia la collezione di Bodywear firmata David Beckham per H&M.

This is the Official Video of the David Beckham for H&M Bodywear Collection.

Avevo già parlato della collezione di David Beckham ed avevamo anche visto una Exclusive Preview della stessa.
In America si parla tantissimo di questa collaborazione (discorso opposto per quanto concerne l'Europa) che sarà disponibile dai primi giorni del mese di Febbraio, una semplice e palese mossa di Marketing ideata dal colosso svedese che vuole porre rimedio al grosso interrogativo che moltissime Donne si pongono durante la festa di San Valentino, "cosa gli posso regalare?".
La risposta viene quasi automatica, ovvero un elegante cofanetto contenente Underwear Limited Edition disegnato da uno dei calciatori più famosi al mondo. Semplice, no?
Il video sembra voler vendere David ma in realtà nel cofanetto troverete soltanto l'Underwear.
Da notare lo zoom sulla fede quasi alla fine del video come a voler specificare "Mi dispiace ragazze..è sposato".

I had already talked about the collection of David Beckham and we even saw a Exclusive Preview of it.
In America, they talk a lot about this collaboration (opposite to Europe) which will be available from the first days of the month of February, a simple and obvious marketing move designed by the Swedish low cost chain that simply wants to address the big question that many women arise during the Valentine's Day, "what can I give to him?".
The response is almost automatic, an elegant box containing
Limited Edition Underwear  designed by one of the most famous football player in the world. Too easy, right?
The video seems to want to sell David but in the box you will find only Underwear.
Note the zoom on the wedding ring near the end of the video as if to say "I'm sorry girls .. he already has a wife".

H&M ama fare le cose in grande infatti, lo Spot, verrà trasmesso durante l'evento televisivo mediaticamente più potente d'America cioè il SuperBowl il 5 Febbraio, lo stesso nel quale si esibirà Live per la prima volta col nuovo singolo la regina del Pop: Madonna.

H&M loves to do big things, in fact, the spot will air during the most powerful american television event, the Super Bowl on Feb. 5, in which will be performing live for the first time with the new single the Queen of Pop: Madonna.

Official Pictures.
Second UPDATE:
These are the video for the launch of the collection in London:

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  1. damn!! - it's *too good* a video!! :)
    I'm never going to get any - it'll be like Versace!!

    1. I loved the Versace's one but for this one...come on... be serious! no reason to get anything. no good idea and no new creations. Just MARKETING

    2. all to do with the structure/construction + material used.
      I'm curious if it will be generic mens underwear or if it's
      had some thought put into it and you will be able to tell this.
      either way I think people will go crazy for it.

    3. i think this will be only generic underwear with a very little "david beckham for H&M" label. we will see.

    4. I thought that when I saw the boxers - but they are doing briefs too
      and they look quite good. I will buy those + then compare to good quality ones I've bought ... the structure+panelling will let you
      know straight-a-way how much thought has gone into them. we'll see
      indeed! ... would be nice to be pleasently surprised with the

    5. sure! it just will be gorgeous if the collection will be a very good one from different point of view!
      from these new official pictures i just can say that there's no innovation or other ideas that can make me scream a "WOOOW i want it". it's so classic and so boring too...the only different is the "david beckham for H&M" label. but, as you already said, maybe the quality will be pretty high. i hope it! so if you have news just let me know them

    6. got them today!!
      I got pics 4+8 above
      I am actually really impressed (+ surprised!!)
      especially the waistband and piping along the edges
      + more importantly the structure is everything I had
      hoped - very well thought out, and you can tell when
      you put them on ... I think you'd be impressed if you
      saw them :) - the pictures do not do justice to the
      detailing (especially on the ones I bought) if you
      are able to see these in a H+M check them out

    7. really??? well now i'm totally curious to see them on my own!
      so if you want you can share some pictures of your purchases on my FB page
      www.facebook.com/syriouslyinfashion so try to focus on some details!

  2. for my very ugly pieces. horrible


  3. whats not to love ;)

  4. Mamma mia quanto ben di dio!
    Ma anche in Italia esce il 5 febbraio? E sempre negli stores selezionati come per la capsule di Versace/Lanvin? :)

    1. si bruno! solo in stores selezionati dal 2 febbraio se non erro. non so se ci sono date diverse dall'america all'europa ma comunque i primi giorni di febbraio.

  5. Ma a noi che è sposato che ce frega?! Mica cerchiamo marito, vogliamo solo scartare il suo bel cofanetto ;P. Per il resto mi sembra abbastanza inutile come collezione, mutande normalissime.

  6. Solo una parola: SBAAAAAAV!!! :P


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